Remember the Chia Pet? Cha-cha-cha-chia! Well, I’m now
EATING those seeds! Instead of slathering them on a clay pot, I’m mixing them
in my oatmeal, protein shakes, and baked goods!
Since the day I heard someone say they sprinkle said seeds on
their cereal – I needed to find out what they were all about. I've been doing
some research into these little gems and cannot believe how good for you they
are and thought I’d share my new found knowledge with you.
- · They have been around since the Aztec and Mayan days.
- · They can absorb up to 12 times their own weight which keeps you fuller longer and can add in weight loss.
- · They have nearly 11 grams of soluble fiber per ounce – which is around 42% of your daily recommended value!
- · They have more Omega-3 fatty acids than salmon – almost 5 grams per ounce. They are considered one of the most concentrated sources of Omega-3 in ANY food.
- · They contain high amounts of Omega-6.
- · Per ounce these little super seeds contain 18% of your daily calcium value, which is three times as much as skim milk!
- · Unlike Flax Seeds which have to be ground, nothing has to be done to the seed in order to benefit from its bounty.
- · They are basically tasteless so you can add them to anything and everything.
- · Manganese – nearly 30% of the daily value per ounce.
- · Phosphorus – close to 27% of the daily value per ounce.
- · Protein – 4.4 grams per ounce!
- · Chia seeds have a stabilizing effect on your blood sugar and fight insulin resistance.
- · Some say they give you an energy boost - and who doesn't love that?!
There is soooo much information I could go on and on – but I
think these are enough reasons to go out RIGHT NOW and get yourself some! I
already use them in my Refrigerated Oatmeal and last night I made the hubs some
Almond Poppy/Chia Seed Muffins (with added protein powder, as usual) and they’re
yum yum yummy! You can’t tell the difference between the Poppy and Chia seeds
and there is no change in the flavor profile.
Seriously people – the ways in which you can use this super
food are endless! And you have nothing to lose, except some unwanted weight
maybe – but everything to gain!