Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Delicata Squash Cinnamon Sugar Baked "Fries"

When I heard that certain squash can taste like sweet potatoes, I knew I had to try it. I mean, I love potatoes, so if I can eat "potatoes" without the carbs, I'll be one very happy girl. Plus with Thanksgiving coming up, if this does really taste like sweet potatoes, I can substitute my candied yams with squash!

In looking at a few different recipes, I noticed a few common ingredients - oil, brown sugar and cinnamon. I wanted to make these as healthy as possible so I used coconut oil and brown sugar substitute. I also noticed that many recipes said to sprinkle the seasoning onto the squash. Well I don't know about you, but when I sprinkle seasoning on things, I tend to get more on my pan than on the item I'm trying to season lol. So I decided to try a Shake N Bake method and surprise - it worked beautifully!

While I will admit, these do not taste exactly like sweet potatoes, they are close enough that if you don't tell anyone, they'd never know :-)  

Delicata Squash Cinnamon Sugar "Fries"

1 Delicata Squash, peeled, seeded and cut into strips
2 Tbsp Brown Sugar Substitute
2 tsp Cinnamon
Coconut oil

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Coat the squash strips with coconut oil. Put sugar and cinnamon In a large zip top bag. Add the squash strips to bag, seal and shake like crazy to completely coat.

Place squash strips onto a baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes then flip. Bake another 15 minutes. Take out, let cool slightly. Enjoy!

These were so yummy, I can't wait to try them mashed!

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