Monday, September 23, 2013

Egg Drop Soup

I recently went on a liquid diet to rid myself of the nasty carb cravings that had taken over my eating life, not to mention resetting my brain/stomach back to proper portion size. My husband and I had gone out after work and I didn't have a protein shake with me so I was at the mercy of the menu at the Chinese restaurant. Knowing I needed soup - but not wanting to have to fish out all the yummy solid pieces only to discard them, I selected the Egg Drop Soup. I'd never had it and thought the added protein from the eggs would be more beneficial than if I asked for simple broth. I really really liked it. Fast forward to today -  my husband isn't feeling well and we had some left over homemade chicken broth (from my liquid diet days), lunch meat and celery - so I had the bright idea to make my own Egg Drop Soup! Man, was it delicious!! It was so good - my husband ate it all before I could take a picture for this blog lol!

This will be the very first recipe I made from just grabbing stuff and putting it together! Pretty proud of myself as I'm a stickler for recipes. I will give you the amounts that I used, but please feel free to recreate your own version. I threw in some ham to give it even more protein and the thought of cooked ham with the other ingredients just sounded really yummy to me ;-)

Egg Drop Soup

4 cups Chicken Broth
8oz frozen Corn
3 slices thinly sliced Ham minced
1 Celery stock minced
2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
3 eggs

Combine chicken broth, corn, minced ham, minced celery and soy sauce in a 2 quart pot on medium high. Cook to a boil. Let boil for a few minutes then turn heat to low and let simmer for 1 minute.

In a small bowl beat eggs. When soup is done simmering, turn off heat. Stir broth in one direction with a spoon while slowly pouring in egg. Ribbons will form and soup is done!

Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

This was so easy and really hit the spot with my sick hubby. The addition of corn, ham and celery made this into a thick hearty soup. Oh and you can add any seasonings you'd like too! Our homemade chicken broth was so good (I promise to create a post), we didn't need any but some suggestions are: garlic powder, salt, pepper or maybe even some hot sauce to spice it up a bit.

Have fun with this and make it your own :-)

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